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2017 - 2018                          Master of Research in Fine Art

                                              Royal College of Art, London

2011 - 2013                          Master of Arts

                                              Thesis: Aesthetic Transfiguration

                                              School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological

                                              University, Singapore.


2006 - 2010                          Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons)

                                              School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technological

                                              University, Singapore.


Awards / Grants / Scholarships


2016                                      Presentation and Participation Grant (Visual Art), National Arts

                                              Council, Singapore.


2016                                      Finalist, Angelico Art Award, Singapore.


2011 - 2013                          COHASS MA Research Scholarship, Nanyang Technological

                                              University, Singapore.



3 Apr - 23 Jun 2023            Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei Culture Foundation, Taipei.


27 May - 18 Jun 2023       Group exhibition, Tickle, Sense, Treasure Hill Artist Village,


6 - 11 Jan 2023                 Group exhibition, Small Talk, Singapore Chinese Cultural                                                          Centre, Singapore.

10 - 13 Sep 2018                 Group exhibition, MRes Exhibition and Symposium, Royal

                                          College of Art, London.

26 - 29 Apr 2018                 Group exhibition, Pass-the-Parcel, StudioRCA, London.


19 - 21 Jan 2018                  Group exhibition, Work-in-Progress Show, Royal College of Art,                                                London.

26 Feb - 6 Mar 2016            Group exhibition, Angelico Art Award Exhibition, Triple. Two   

                                              Artspace, Singapore.


18 Feb - 6 Mar 2016            Solo exhibition, (Paint)-ing, Utterly Art Gallery, Singapore.



13 -18 Oct 2015                   Group exhibition, The Best of You initiated by Julie’s, Central

                                              Atrium, Marina Square, Singapore.



2020                                      Fernando, Jeremy. writing skin, with paintings by Pan Huiting,

                                              installations by Gaspar Acebo & Marcos Mangani, and charcoal

                                              drawings by Yanyun Chen. Singapore: Delere Press, 2020. Print.

2018                                      Lin, Li. "Can the food of home be recreated elsewhere?" Media                                                  Diversified. 1 Feb 2018. Also in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

                                              (October 2018). Web.


2016                                      Zhou, Yan Bing. "潘慧婷首次办展 想看每一寸画布上 能挤进多少

                                              种色彩." Lian He Zao Bao. 27 Feb 2016: 3. Print & web.

2016                                      Lee, Melanie. "Art Direction." The A List. 5 Feb 2016: 8-9. Print                                                 & web.


2016                                      Constable, Martin. "Abiogenesis." (Paint)-ing. Singapore: Pan

                                              Huiting, 2016. Print.


2016                                      Fernando, Jeremy. "— a reflection on art —." (Paint)-ing.

                                              Singapore: Pan Huiting, 2016. Print.


2014                                      Zhang, Jieqiang, Hidhir Razak & Marcus Tan Yi-hern, eds.

                                               Kepulauan: A Collection of Poems. Singapore, Ethos Books,

                                              2014. Cover image, 149. Print.


2014                                      Ethos Books Singapore. "Interview with Pan Huiting." Ethos

                                              Books Singapore. Ethos Books Singapore, 10 Nov 2014. Web.


Artist Talks / Conferences


2023                                      "Screenwriting x Trans-disciplinary x Local Materials x

                                              Technology", moderated by Lu Pei-Yi (Associate Professor, MA

                                              Programme in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary

                                              Art, National Taipei University of Education), Treasure Hill

                                              Artist Village. Artist Talk, Taipei, 3 May.

2013                                      "Art and the Obliteration of Consciousness", Art is the Only

                                              Answer: On Literature, Painting, and the Possibility of Art,

                                              chaired by Ingrid Hoofd (Assistant Professor, Communications

                                              and New Media, National University of Singapore,        

                                              SINGAPORE), 37th Annual International Association for 

                                              Philosophy and Literature (IAPL) Conference, Singapore, 4 June.


2012                                      "Transcending Mortality", Language, chaired by Isaak, J.A.

                                              (Professor, Fordham University, USA), 3rd Annual International

                                              Conference on Visual and Performing Arts, Athens, 4 June.


1 Aug 2019 – present           Part-time Lecturer at Nanyang Technological University, 

                                              Singapore. Selected modules: “DD3010 Issues in Global

                                              Contemporary Art”, “HL4041: Studies in Art Criticism and

                                              Culture”, etc.

9 Jan – 6 May 2017              Teaching Assistant to Adjunct Assoc Prof TK Sabapathy for                                                        “AR2225/GEK2044: Reading Visual Images” at National                                                             University of Singapore.

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